Creez - Volusion Template
- Available colors: One
- Vertical menu
- Category fly-out menu
- Product Image Pro Zoom
- Product Image LightBox Zoom
- Product Image Standard Zoom
- Template is fully compatible with the latest Bigcommerce version
- 100% Tableless design. 100% HTML /CSS/DIV compliance.
- Valid XHTML and CSS markup
- Tutorial and detailed User guide for installation and using.
- Cross Browser Support (IE 7+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Opera 9+)
- Optimized for multiple / wide screen resolutions
Due to the complexity of the platform the template will be directly installed by us on the server.
Note for demo: Demo of this template is a static HTML version of the template files. So all dynamic features like search, ajax, add to cart, checkout, account pages will not work. Please refer this demo for aesthetic purpose only. When the actual template is applied to a bigcommerce platform all dynamic features will work seamlessly.