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Expandable Accordion Category Navigation - Bigcommerce Add-ons -Stencil Ready

Expandable Accordion Category Navigation - Bigcommerce Add-ons


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Professional Bigcommerce Add -ons Template give you the edge to online store business


Do you have too many categories that is making your left side category look bulky and unfathomable.

We can make your categories look sleek and attractive and highly organised.

We will set up your categories menu work with Accordion effect which allows your customers to view the child categories without having to go all the way to each category to view its child categories.

We can also make the sub categories to display in fly out effect, see images for examples.

This will make your categories more compact and easy to navigate to your users.

The category accordion menu will be completely dynamic and no part of it will be of static HTML code, i.e. categories will auto update when additions / updates / edits are made to the categories.

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